(a) A person, firm or company shall be eligible for membership of the Association only if such person, firm or company is engaged in the business of manufacturing PVC & Plastic Pipe in Pakistan.
(b) The prospective member is a sole proprietorship or a partnership firm or an association of persons or a company holding national tax number and sales tax registration, if applicable, in the name of the business concern.
(c) The prospective member’s business fits within the defined business scope or area of jurisdiction of the Association as provided in its approved memorandum and articles of association and under the licence by the Federal Government.
(d) The application for grant of membership has been proposed and seconded by existing members of the Association.
(e) The prospective member has no criminal conviction.
(f) The prospective member has a valid national tax number and sales tax registration, if applicable.
(g) The Membership of Association shall be granted for a period of one year and shall expire on the 31st day of March every year irrespective of the date of grant of membership.
(h) The membership shall be renewable on annual basis subject to fulfillment of following conditions namely:-
I.payment of prescribed subscription within the time stipulated in the Memorandum, which shall not be later than 31st of March, and
II.proof of filing return of income tax and sales tax, if applicable for the preceding year.